Friday, January 11, 2013

Set the Default values for Entity Object

Set the Default values for Entity Object

Ex, Set the HireDate for Employee as System Date

Approach 1: Override the create() method of EntityImpl

Generate class of  EmployeesEO Entity Object

   * Add attribute defaulting logic in this method.
   * @param attributeList list of attribute names/values to initialize the row
  protected void create(AttributeList attributeList) {


Approach 2: Override the create() method of EntityImpl

Generate class of  EmployeesEO Entity Object

Replace the existing code in getHireDate() with the following:

               Date hireDate = (Date)getAttributeInternal(HIREDATE);
               // check for null and return today's date if needed
               return (hireDate == null) ? (Date)Date.getCurrentDate() :